The Grande Rota do Vale do Côa route, comprising 222 km of marked trails, connects the source to the mouth of the Côa and can be traversed in both directions. The Serra da Malcata Nature Reserve, Sabugal Castle, Faia Brava Reserve, Vale do Côa Archaeological Park and Douro Vinhateiro wine region are just a few of the highlights of this route, which combines nature with heritage. In the
northeast of Portugal, the Côa River crosses the counties of Sabugal, Almeida, Pinhel, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo and Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Joined by the valley of this river, the five counties shape a unique territory by their historical, archaeological, cultural and natural wealth, which is worth discovering. World Heritage since 1998, the Côa Valley is considered “the most important outdoor Palaeolithic rock art site”.
Although demanding, riding the Grande Rota do Vale do Côa on a mountain bike will represent a challenge that you will never forget!